Friday, June 20, 2008

Seeking Humility Through Glory

There are many things about Christianity that are mind-blowing! For instance, consider humility. Did you know that the best way to gain genuine and lasting humility is through glory? Did that statement cause you to raise an eyebrow? That’s right... Humility is gained by actively seeking glory. Let me explain what I mean (before I get stoned)...
       Recently, I was listening to a sermon by John Piper and he said something that caught my attention. First the scenario... In heaven, if someone asked a Christian if he was humble, how would he respond? Piper suggests that the answer would be something like this: “KING JESUS IS ALL!” In other words, when we experience the full revelation of Christ’s glory, we will be filled with a consummate joy, overwhelming happiness, unceasing wonder, and unimaginable beauty. And this vision of Christ’s glory will result in utter forgetfulness of ourselves. That’s how love works! The lover is so enraptured by the other person, that he is lost in utter forgetfulness of himself. Humility and “forgetfulness in Christ” go hand-in-hand.

Lord, forgive us for our tiny view and understanding and desire for your glory. Please give us an unquenchable thirst for you which results in a simple forgetfulness of ourselves... In Christ’s name we pray... Amen.

To be continued...