Thursday, June 26, 2008

On Depravity (via Beach Balls)

This past Sunday we had dinner at a friend’s house. A bunch of us were in the basement watching our kids playing. Then, suddenly, one of the young boys took a beach ball and whacked another boy squarely on the head. This random act of violence was witnessed by me and the parents of the boy that got whacked. I made the comment that “people who don’t believe in the depravity of man obviously do not have children.” Then one of the parents said, “You’re not going to record this on your blog, are you?” (I guess I just did...)
       John Calvin once made the comment that “children are like rats.” To which, R.C. Sproul commented, “When I get to heaven, I’m going to tell Calvin that his assessment of children was completely unfair... to the rats!” (By the way, I have three cute little “rats” of my own who I completely adore... And I'm surprised that it wasn't one of my "rats" who inflicted the violence... Maybe next time...)