Friday, July 4, 2008

Creation Revisited (Part 3)

My kids love to go to the amusement park (and so do I). My not-so-secret ambition is to train them to love roller-coasters (since my wife refuses to go on them). On our way to the rides, we usually pass by some artists who, for a fee, will draw an extremely unflattering likeness of a subject (woooo whooo! Sign me up!). We usually stop to watch the abuse. About two months ago, we saw something quite different. Instead of the usual silly drawings, this artist was making clay sculptures of people! And we were fascinated! Seeing the artist turn a plain lump of clay into hair, eyes, nose, ears, and lips was mesmerizing. In fact, watching the artist work was more interesting than the actual finished product (which was still pretty amazing).
       The Bible reports that God created the universe in six days. Have you ever wondered why it took so “long?” Obviously, as the omnipotent Maker who transcends time and space and even cause, God could have created everything in an instant. But the reason it took six days was likely because God wanted to demonstrate something of his creativity and power and glory. Can you imagine what it would be like to see the amorphous substance of the universe mold and organize itself at the whim of its Master Sculptor? It would be an awe-inspiring sight! In Psalm 19:1 we are reminded of the creative hand of God, “The Heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his handiwork.”