Wednesday, August 19, 2009

14 Hard Questions for Christians

The most recent sermon...

14 Hard Questions for Christians from David Koo on Vimeo.


Saturday, April 18, 2009

The Context of Communion

The most recent sermon...

The Context of Communion from David Koo on Vimeo. Enjoy...

Sunday, January 25, 2009

"Why Faith?"

In John 3:16, Jesus makes this famous statement, “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whosoever believes in him shall not perish but have everlasting life.” So much is dependent on believing in Jesus! Our eternal destiny is dependent on believing in Jesus! But why? What is it about faith in Jesus that makes it so crucial?

To answer this question, it would help to first ask another question... Why do we sin? Why do we lie, cheat, or even look at pornography? Why are we selfish and prideful? The reason, I think, is simply because of a lack of faith. We all believe to some degree that sinning will bring us more pleasure than being holy. Jesus states, “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.” When we sin, we believe that “seeing God” is less satisfying than sinning. Would we ever sin if we knew with all our hearts that being holy would resonate as everlasting joy and satisfaction and pleasure? Of course not! At the very heart of our sin, is really a lack of faith.

In fact, all of us act and live based on our underlying faith. All of life is the natural out-flowing of our faith. Even for the atheist, his “faith” in science or pragmatism or his own self-sufficiency has real and practical consequences. What we believe powerfully influences how we act.

Now consider this... If we, as Christians, radically believe what the Bible says about who Jesus is, what he has done for us on the cross, and how he miraculously rose from the dead, just imagine how that faith would impact how we live day-to-day! Why should we worry when God is in control? What would prevent us from being the most generous people when we have tasted God’s grace? Why should we despair when Jesus defeated death? What shall hinder our joy?

For a good book on Christian faith, consider reading “Future Grace” by Pastor John Piper